Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Sentiments of Living Abroad

For some, a few weeks can be a long time to be away from the place we call home.  For others, they are able to pack up their lives and move for a lifetime to a foreign country.  Whatever we believe likely comes from our experiences, our upbringing, and families.  There isn't one way which is right or wrong, just a way that's right for you, and a way that is right for me.  As for me, what am I?  Well I am somewhere in between.  This is my third time living abroad, with the other two occasions both being in France.  This is also the shortest of my abroad stays at exactly two months.  In any case, people always ask, is it hard being gone so long, and don't you miss home?  The answer, no, but read further with me and let me qualify that.

Whatever phase of life I have been in, I have always made the best of it and enjoyed it.  For me, the wealth of life is about experience - novelty in culture, places, new faces, new education and new opportunity.  I always look forward to the adventure that comes next because I know first hand all of the amazing wealth in experience it can bring.   This is not to say that I do not miss you all at home.  But home is not a place, home to me is people.  And therefore home is in Wisconsin, Florida, all over the US, France, Europe, Singapore and even China.  

And so, even though my roots lay in Wisconsin, had I never left home I would not have some of the wonderful and lifelong friends and relationships I have had and still have in Iowa, all over France and Europe, and Singapore.  So I do not regret in anyway, any place I have ever been or lived or having to spend some time away.  I also know that when I do come back to Wisconsin, I will still have that solid group of family and friends - a group that understands the importance of these experiences for me. 

The glass is half-full. Period.  Never focus on what you don't have, only what you have and have to gain.  I don't miss not having a cell phone, I appreciate the opportunity to be free from some technology.  I do not miss American food, instead I choose to appreciate the great new food I get to try and eat here.  I do not miss American sports.  I choose instead to enjoy football and netball and the crazy new sports they enjoy here.  I do not miss my car.  I choose instead to appreciate the impressive transportation system they have here and feel good about being green. 

Whatever phase in life comes next, I'll get there when I get there, and I am alright with that.  My Uncle Tom once told me, there are two ways to get from Milwaukee to Madison, I94 or Hwy18.  One is quicker, but the other offers much more to see, and you still get to Madison in the end.

Thanks to Henry and his mother for the inspiration for this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful man. Very emotional. Don't worry. We are here for you.
