Friday 24 June 2011

Internship Update

Yesterday at work generally speaking, things went well.  I have learned the hard way about difficulties that communications and budgeting can play in an organization.  But through networking and and quick work, I was able to get a vital piece aligned and approved for our booth at Singapore International Water Week.  An additional connection element we were working on was also finally approved and ordered yesterday.  It was a great feeling.

Today we have another media meeting with the heads here followed by a meeting with the event production company for the opening of the Aquatic Centre we have been working towards.  With only two weeks remaining before the grand opening, we are working out some final details and hoping all kinks can be resolved in the next few days. 

This Saturday I hope to grab lunch with a friend and perhaps some time at the beach/pool/Botanic Gardens in the afternoon.  Sunday we will be setting up for another expo - the Urban Sustainability Congress, and will then be working the booth Monday and Tuesday.  Full speed ahead!

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