Monday 11 July 2011

Final Days in Singapore

It is my last week in Singapore, but there are still a few things to do.  At work there is some simple wrapping up to do, and one little task of preparing a new welcoming board for the department.  Should be easy and simple to do.  Of course the other sad task will be saying goodbye to many wonderful people I have gotten to know.  But there is still a few days before that will occur.  I will also need to use up some passes at the NUS pool.  This should also be quite easy to do.

Outside of work, I still need to encounter a monkey.  This has been difficult though I have tried.  I intend to do at least one more serious hike in the Bukit Nature Reserve, let's hope I find one, that is let's hope I finally get close to a monkey!  I would also like to visit the barrage at Marina Bay, and revisit a few areas such as Chinatown, the Chinese/Japanese Gardens and as always, I love going to Marina Bay.  I was there in fact tonight (Marina Bay) with Henry, Meghan, Daniel, and Stacy.  Once again, I had the bbq sting ray.  I cannot tell you how good this stuff is!  Now correct me if I am wrong, but I do believe it might be endangered in the US?  I have been assured, however, that is not the case here, and in fact at one time sting ray was considered poor man's food.  That however is a very foolish statement as the taste is fit for a king. 

So please sit back and enjoy the final few days of blogging Singapore with me.

1 comment:

  1. There are dozens monkeys at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. I had great fun playing with them last Saturday. Head there during late afternoons. You will find plenty.

