Friday 15 July 2011

A Grateful Farewell

It is hard to believe that my experience in Singapore is already at its end.  There are many reasons for which this experience has been unforgettable, but more than any are all the people with whom I shared it.  I would like to thank all of you in Singapore for showing me the ways - the places, the eats, the know-hows, how to improve my marketing, how to think about water and water issues, how to navigate the transit and enjoy the city, how to hail a bus or cab, how to eat durian, sting ray, and mee goreng and so many more...and of course how to feel at home in Singapore and with SDWA. 

And now, I would like to thank everyone with SDWA.  Everyone was extremely kind and welcoming, and helpful in every way.  To Kalyan and the SDWA gang, I have some fantastic memories with many of you that won't soon be forgotten.  All I can say is I wish I had more time to hang out with all of you and know you better, but I really appreciate getting to know as I did and hanging out as we did.

I would like to thank Sae'dah, who worked very hard to make sure our paperwork and visa process went through and to make sure we were all set to come.  She was equally as helpful here during my two months time.  As kind as anyone I've ever met, always smiling and great to talk to...thank you!

I would like to thank Sally, for helping us in our marketing efforts and allowing us to participate in such a wide range of opportunities.  And I would like to thank Sally and Anne, and Anne's family for hosting a BBQ party for us.  Like Sae'dah, I couldn't have worked with two people as kind as these two...thank you!

I would like to thank Vladan for extending this opportunity, without whom this experience wouldn't even have been possible.  And on the US end of that, I owe a big thank you to Linda who was equally influential in getting me here. 

A big thanks of course to Henry and Meghan, my partners in crime, it's been real!

I would like to reiterate my thanks to all the folks back home for the support.  My sweetie P, mom and dad, and all my friends and fam.

And of course, whoever you are, wherever you are, thanks for taking the time to read along with this blog.

What will I remember most?  

1) Marina Bay.  This includes the Marina Bay Sands, the skyline, the Esplanades, the laser show at night, the bay itself of course, and the food - sting ray, mee goreng, crab, and coconuts.   I couldn't tell you how much time I spent at the bay.

2) The food.  Singaporeans are self-proclaimed food lovers.  I have never experience anything quite like hawker stalls.  I learned that I love Indian and Malay food and some new fruits like mangosteen and lechees.  I even learned that I enjoy the challenge of spice!  I'm really glad I got to eat a lot of awesome new stuff.

3) The parks.  Be it Fort Canning, Botanic Gardens, Bukit Timah, I really enjoyed my time in the outdoors hiking around and witnessing a nature that is very beautiful and much different from that back in Wisconsin.

4) The museums.  Singapore National Museum.  Enough said.  Loved the history, the special exhibits on modernization and local history.

5) Learning about water and hanging around with SDWA.  Be it SIWW or checking out NEWater and just day-to-day interactions at SDWA, it was a fantastic education and 101 on water issues.  Neat stuff.

On the flip side I have only one regret.  I never did confront a wild monkey.  Perhaps I will this weekend, but if that ends up being my only regret, I can live with that. 

Though I do not know where life will lead next, I know that I hope it will hold more wonderful experiences like this.  I came to Singapore knowing virtually nothing about it beyond the very basics, be it history, tradition, ethnicity, modern composition, what have you.  Now as I prepare to leave, I leave feeling as if I could be an ambassador for the city.

Thanks again to everyone who helped make this a memorable trip.  For those of you in Singapore, I will see you again someday, I'll be back, count on it.  In the meantime, stay in touch - email, Facebook, Skype or anyway that comes to mind.  And if you choose to come overseas to the US, the door will be open on the other side. 

Thanks for reading, much appreciated.

Signing off for the final time - Chris


  1. Chris! I'm so happy for you that you had an amazing experience. I can't wait to hear your stories and newly gained knowledge of the world in person. Save travels home!

  2. Hi Chris, thanks for the virtual memorabilia u have given me in this blog/post. It's been great knowing you, Henry and Meghan. I hope we will get to meet again some day. In the mean time, let me wish you all the best in your studies, future endeavours and ya, get to see a monkey before u leave Singapore!

    Keep in touch! It's weird, but i'm actually feeling sad that you guys have gone back. Thanks for being such cooperative and nice students!


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